4. ch-completion.bash

Tab completion for the Charliecloud command line.

4.1. Synopsis

$ source ch-completion.bash

4.2. Description

ch-completion.bash provides tab completion for the charliecloud command line. Currently, tab completion is available for Bash users for the executables ch-image, ch-run, and ch-convert.

We do not currently install the file if Charliecloud is built from source (see issue #1842). In this case, source it from the Charliecloud source code:

$ source $CHARLIECLOUD_SOURCE_PATH/bin/ch-completion.bash

If you installed with a distribution package, the procedure is probably nicer. See your distro’s docs if you installed a package.)

Disable completion with the utility function ch-completion added to your environment when the above is sourced:

$ ch-completion --disable

4.3. Dependencies

Tab completion has these additional dependencies:

  • Bash ≥ 4.3.0

  • bash-completion library (GitHub, or it probably comes with your distribution, e.g.)

4.4. ch-completion

Utility function for ch-completion.bash.

4.4.1. Synopsis

$ ch-completion [ OPTIONS ]

4.4.2. Description

ch-completion is a function to manage Charliecloud’s tab completion. It is added to the environment when completion is sourced. The option(s) given specify what to do:


Disable tab completion for all Charliecloud executables.


Print help message.


Print version of tab completion that’s currently enabled.


Verify that tab completion version is consistent with that of ch-image.

4.5. Debugging

Tab completion can write debugging logs to /tmp/ch-completion.log. Enable this by setting the environment variable CH_COMPLETION_DEBUG. (This is primarily intended for developers.)